Hubert Lengdorfer, from Austria, builds small scale houses. Here he shares some of his techniques and building tips with us.
What is the first step for you when you start a new build? Once I have done my research the first thing I do is draw the biggest window on card stock with the supporting wall and then cut it out and begin adding all of the details. This is how I determine the scale of the piece. After that, each section of the house is created and glued together.
What materials do you use for the structure? Card stock, cardboard, wood glue, UHU glue, thin paper, acrylic paint, paper clay, pencils, pens, and Plexiglas.
What tools do you use to build a structure? Craft knife, paintbrushes, ruler, scissors, cutting board, and tweezers.
In what order do you assemble your houses? First, the main window and supporting wall for the front of the house, then I have the height/scale I need to start with the other walls. As I make each wall I add all the details. When they are all completed I assemble them altogether to form the house.
What are three tips you can give to get a clean finished product? A sharp blade, clean hands, and a clear vision. Consider your hands to be your tools, you must keep them clean to avoid ruining your project while you are building. Hold onto your vision, but be flexible if things need to alter during the build. One other thing is to have a good self-healing cutting board.

How long have you been making small scale buildings? I started at age 11, so I have been building small scale miniatures for 13 years.
Since your last build what have you learned to do differently? I have learned a new way to make roof shingles. Instead of cutting shingles out in a row, I cut them individually and glue them on.
What are your upcoming projects? At the moment I am working on a commission build of a historic 1874 Victorian Gothic mansion for a client in Danville, Virginia who is restoring the actual house. I am also finishing a replica of the house in the movie, Coraline, for a client in the US. I am also planning on building a miniature Tudor house.