Never mind toilet rolls and packets of pasta I just hope you stocked up on tacky glue and Fimo.
Now you’re marooned with your minis there’s no excuse not to get on with those projects you’ve always been meaning to start.
And if you need a bit of inspiration we’re here to help with this mini blog. Here at Dolls House World we wanted to bring you something a little extra during these troubling times.
This blog is an extra bonus helping to the latest issue of your magazine which is attached (see the links below).
We’re still producing DHW in the normal way. Our small dedicated team has been working from their homes to bring you your monthly issue. We’re just delivering it to you in a digital format. Current restrictions mean we’re not able to print the edition as usual.
So enjoy the magazine and the blog, which can be viewed on your computer or phone and will be updated on a regular basis. And please do share with other miniaturists.
The beauty of the blog is that we can connect you with miniaturists around the world, and we hear from makers how they are dealing with isolation. Debbie Booth tells us how her family coped with catching the virus and we hear from Timea Vajon who works in the NHS when she’s not making twelfth scale dolls. Don’t miss her delightful NHS nurse. It certainly made me want to clap in appreciation.
Richard Jennings,
Dolls House World editor

If you’re a current subscriber to Dolls House World go here to connect to the latest issue and enjoy full access to the iMag library of back issues.
Click here or image below, to get your FREE copy of the latest issue of Dolls House World magazine.

If you’re a current subscriber to American Miniaturist go here to connect to the latest issue and enjoy full access to the iMag library of back issues.
Click on image below, to get your FREE copy of the latest issue of American Miniaturist.

If you’re a current subscriber to Dollhouse Miniatures go here to connect to the latest issue and enjoy full access to the iMag library of back issues.
Click on image below, to get your FREE copy of the latest issue of Dollhouse Miniatures.