The British Library is trying to encourage children to make their own miniature books.
Two hundred years ago, the Brontë children created little books out of sugar packets, strips of wallpaper and old writing paper for their toy soldiers.
Now the library wants youngsters to make their own tiny tomes to form part of an online “National Library of Miniature Books for the toy world”.
The British library already has a collection of miniature books, such as publisher John Marshall’s Infant’s Library (pictured above), as well as the most famous of them all — the 600 mini volumes in Queen Mary’s dolls’ house.

Various authors are creating their own mini books to support the scheme. Axel Scheffler, of Gruffalo fame, explains in a video on the library’s website that he often makes tiny books when working. He made a miniature edition of The Snail and the Whale and reveals he created a mini version of The Gruffalo especially for his daughter’s dolls’ house.
Philip Ardagh even includes a stamped “Please Return By” sheet at the front of his little book.
The British Library’s website thoughtfully even includes a how-to guide to making your own mini book.